Birth Doula Support
I approach birthcraft with humility, kindness, a keen mind, and an open heart.
My role as your Birth Doula is multi-faceted, collaborative, and adapts to your needs. Prenatally, you have unlimited access to me in building knowledge and confidence, as well as navigating the many ups and downs of pregnancy. Toward the end of your 3rd trimester we'll meet to begin preparing for labor and birth. This will include both relevant information and hands-on birth preparation.
During the birth process, I serve as a calm, grounded, unbiased presence, both at home (it's very rare that we don't labor at home together) and at your birth location (if not a homebirth). It's this continuous birth support that is the cornerstone of high-quality doula care and that makes all the difference in your ability to feel safe and let go into the process.
My approach to labor support is typically very hands-on, whether doing the double hip squeeze and labor massage for hours if needed, to helping you find your breath, keep your nervous system regulated, and know when it's time to head to the hospital. Once there, I help you synthesize information, make choices that are right for you, and continue to do whatever it takes to help you manage your labor and birth. Throughout, I support your partner so that they can provide calm support and so the two of you can stay connected. I am practical, communicative, and balance experienced guidance with ensuring you feel agency over your own experience.
Full Support Package
One of the best investments you can make in your birth.
2 prenatal visit, second a mini-childbirth prep
Phone/email/text throughout your pregnancy & postpartum
On call 24/7 from 38 weeks on
Continuous labor and birth support (at home and hospital)
Photos of labor and birth if desired
2 hours immediate postpartum support
2 postpartum home visits
Detailed birth log (if labor allows)
Ongoing support postpartum as needed via phone, text, video
Guaranteed back-up birth doula 38 weeks on (rarely needed)
Off-the-Cuff Package
Perfect for:
2nd+ timers on the fence about doula support this go around
folks who waited too long to book a seasoned doula
those whose budgets don't allow for the full doula package.
Interested? Let's schedule a consult to talk details. But in short, it's full, in-person birth support but at a slightly lower commitment level--on both ends--at a sweet price.
Childbirth & Postpartum Education
My approach to education is based on thousands of hours of birth and postpartum support to clients. My classes are practical, relevant, efficient, and geared toward giving you the tools and information you truly need to feel prepared for the experience(s) you're about to have. All classes are private, offered in your own home, and customizable to address any particular areas of interest you may have.
7-hr Birth Prep
Very thorough but not overloaded with info you'll never need. Best scheduled for around 35-36 weeks.
Two-3.5 hr sessions
Learning packet provided digitally
Physiology/biochemistry of labor/birth
Biomechanics of labor/birth
Signs of labor/birth progress
Optimizing baby's position
Working with the mind
Induction--elective vs. medical, protocols
Strategies to manage labor sensations
Home & hospital prep
Physical support strategies
Timing hospital arrival
Hospital interventions, etc
Preparing for Postpartum (first 3 weeks)
3-hr 2nd+ Timer Refresher
Almost certainly it won't be anything like the first. Get seasoned, practical information and tips for this 'new' experience.
Understanding your 2nd+ timer body
Working with the mind, nervous system
Refresher on labor support strategies
Optimal fetal positioning
Partner role in 2nd births
Planning/managing for your first born
Signs of fast births
Transitioning to hospital
Refresher onhospital protocols, interventions, options
Immediate postpartum the 2nd time
3-hr Postpartum Prep
A crash course in postpartum and newborn care. Loaded with grounded, real-life information.
Navigating the first 3-weeks postpartum
Getting breastfeeding off to a good start
Transition to home and the first week
Newborn care basics
Understanding newborn needs
Sleep (lack there of)
Additional support--what kind, when
Division of labor--who, what, when
Content customizable to your interests